We made it! YES! Pure family time! oh boy!

Goofy's Kitchen breakfast...one of our favorite spots!

I always heard to take your pictures on the side of the castle, rather than in front of it so, you don't have all the crowds in your picture....pretty smart!

Just love Sully! How could you not?!?!

Our first time to Universal Studios! & it was
so cold!

Shrek & Fiona!

We all agreed...we loved Universal! The tour was the best! It was nice to have a break from Disneyland too...love Disneyland but, it was nice to get away from the crowds!

Dinner at Medieval Times is always another one of our favorite things to do!

My favorite picture of
our 3, I got at Disney!

Lindsey chose a make~over at the Cinderella salon for her treat!
She loved her ROYAL treatment...

A huge RAIDER store we found in Hollywood....of course, we had to go check it out!
Hollywood was a little creepier than the last time I was there...I was glad though that we took the kids to the see the Stars & hand/foot prints.....this ELMO was a little too friendly!
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