Lindsey Mae turns 8!!

She decided she wanted to go to "The Jungle" on her birthday...her one best bud, that was going to join us, got the stomach flu....but, we had a good time anyways!

The birthday girl then chose, Fuddruckers for lunch!

Then back to the house we went for more birthday celebrating....with an appeitizer feast for dinner per the birthday dinner request!

A DS! yes!

Baby Alive...it pees and poos! G*R*E*A*T!

She always closes her eyes and makes a wish!

See.................she really Poops!

Lindsey's birthday Party with her friends!

Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz!

and a wicked ole' Witch!

We had lots of fun! The weather was perfect! We played musical chairs, hot potato and made candy necklaces, wand cookies and had a Pinata!

Melanie turns 36! Holy smokes! How'd I get so old!??!?!

I had a beautiful cake and a great birthday dinner!
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