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Off to Utah we went last week....we hadn't made a trip in over 2 years and thanks to the extra TAX check that came to us in May, we found a way to put it to good use! The kids were so excited...they love going to Utah.... seeing everyone and getting to know more of our family....It's really fun to see my kids, getting to know and love the extented family, I grew up with and giving them a relationship with each other. Everyone was so good to us.
Our first official day, we went to go see my Grandma. The kids were very happy to see their "Bana" as they call her....We went to lunch and then to see, "Wall-E"~(have you seen it?...I do not recommend about DUMB!) The kids loved it though....Grandma and I had a different opinion! Grandma said I was not allowed to take any pictures while I was there.....(yea-right, does she not know me??!!?!) I talked her into a few and then I caught this one of Tyler walking her out of the mall...they were holding hands and it was so dang cute! You can tell by the look on her face she isn't happy, I am taking a picture...and she has nowhere to run!
We made sure to visit everyone while we were in town... including the ones we have loss...
Both of my Grandpa's graves are a sad reminder, that they are no longer with us... I guess, I always feel like they will be here when we come strolling into Utah to visit....and reality comes back to me, very quickly...I miss you both....Utah is not the same without you both there. Not only to make me laugh but, to hear the same stories...over and over and over again....
Uncle Dennis brought out the homemade "Jenga" game that Grandpa Bob made. Although, he renamed the game..."Watch out!" I guess its because each colored piece is made out of a 2 x 4.
Nothing like a little "puttin" practice in the backyard....
Uncle Dennis impressed us with his German pancake making abilities....I almost forgot how yummy they are.....almost! Thank you Dennis and MaryAnn for letting us stay with you! I know its hard having people invade your home....especially 3 little people......thank you for being so good to us! We love you both very much....
A view from the Copper pit. What a neat place. Not so neat on how you get there.....sign..
My Cousin Alisha, Grandma Margot and Me
Some of the Davis' clan....we sure love visiting with everyone!
Tyler was so good with both of his Great-grandma's. What a nice little gentleman he was. Right there helping when they needed it...opening doors, helping up and down stairs, giving them lots of kisses and hugs....he made me so proud. What a good boy we have.
We were double lucky this trip to have my Grandma Margot in Utah as well. She lives in Arizona and decided to come for a Utah visit too! and it just happen to be the same week as us!! Talk about lucky!
I could not wait to have a preview of our weekend. you are amazing you saw everyone. I don't think we will be as lucky. Hey you got some great pics of the grandmas. Looks like fun and a lot of work. I hope your family knows how much you love them to go all over and make sure you had quality time too. I am sure you were proud at your well behaved kids.
Nice to see you today I loved my burger! and fries!
I had to look again.. Melanie you look really pretty in these pictures. I love what your doing to your hair these days.
also John looks like your dad in the the one with him and ray and grandma. Especially his hair.
I guess I am all into the hair. Cause i need to get mine cut BAD
Melanie- I wish that we could have come down while you guys were in Utah. It looks you guys had a great time. Hopefully we will get to see ya'll next summer at the family reunion. Are you planning on coming?
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