A birthday dinner request.....yummmmmy!,,,,PIZZA!
I think we are all ready for a new baby in the family to hold!
A field trip with Tyler's class to the dump! It was very interesting....they talked about what they do with the garbage, recycling, old TV's, computers, fridges, plastic bags....and how bad they are for the landfills. Then, they showed us how they keep the birds away....this Hawk, "guards" the trash.....I guess they'd have a zillion seagulls in it all the time otherwise. For a special treat, at the end, we got to watch the Hawk get fed. They fed it small bird. It was pretty entertaining mostly, watching the kids faces as the bird is crunching the bones and spitting out the organs it won't eat. Every few seconds you'd hear this....."EEEEEWWWW" come from the crowd....
It's been a while.
11 years ago
First off wow you guys are always busy. That pizza looks so good. and the cake was so good funny picture it looks bigger than Daryle. I think it was! Also The field trip with the school. The price of gas is up so they need to keep it local. hehehe any day now this kid better arrive. He barley has any room and my skin feels like it is going to rip apart. Wait until labor then I feel like I will rip in half.
I love blogging as close as the family is we still miss so many of the daily enjoyments. With the blog we never have to.
: ) xo
So much fun. You guys know how to celebrate. I tried to make a nail polish cake for Mackenzie, but it was not so cute. You will have to give me cake tips next time.
You will have to call or e-mail me when Chris and Lisa's baby comes. I bet Nana will call, but just in case...I don't want to be the last one to know.
Love Ya
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