Our Memorial day weekend we spent with our favorite Jones' family in the woods of Mendocino. It was such a nice, relaxing, stuffing our face with all kinds of junk food weekend. My kids LOVE to go camping.....I hope it never changes. I hope in a few years they will still want to go and love it the way they do. Its nice to get away from the world, life, I can't believe I am even going to include the computer in there with this sentence. The only thing electronic I was not willing to go without this weekend was my cell phone. I had to keep it close by, in case of word that our new little cousin-nephew decided to make his entrance into the world.... But, nope....I guess he likes where he is at!
Mr. Blue-Jay stayed close by our camp and made sure to help himself to anything he wanted. Here he is making his get away with some breakfast sausage.
Always a trip to the sandy, windy, chilly B*E*A*C*H to play!
I think the kids could of stayed all afternoon. I think they would of turned into popsicles! It was so cold. I don't know how they got in that water. It was time for a smooth, easy, ending when there was a dog pooping in the water right next to them...yuck!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Memorial Day weekend 2008
Posted by Melanie at 1:51 PM 3 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Just staying busy....
A birthday dinner request.....yummmmmy!,,,,PIZZA!
I think we are all ready for a new baby in the family to hold!
A field trip with Tyler's class to the dump! It was very interesting....they talked about what they do with the garbage, recycling, old TV's, computers, fridges, plastic bags....and how bad they are for the landfills. Then, they showed us how they keep the birds away....this Hawk, "guards" the trash.....I guess they'd have a zillion seagulls in it all the time otherwise. For a special treat, at the end, we got to watch the Hawk get fed. They fed it small bird. It was pretty entertaining mostly, watching the kids faces as the bird is crunching the bones and spitting out the organs it won't eat. Every few seconds you'd hear this....."EEEEEWWWW" come from the crowd....
Posted by Melanie at 12:43 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's day 2008
Natalie was doing a Mother's day project at school and she had to ask me several different questions for it......the last of the questions was....."what do you love most about being a mom?" As I am sitting there thinking about that question and Natalie is getting irritated with me because I am not answering her.....I had to think.....How do you answer that question in one sentence? It was not possible......how do you describe what is in your heart, your soul, your very spirit of who you are...what you love most about being a mother?!?!? The good times and the bad times.... There are no words to describe it......as my Nat is anxiously awaiting my answer and I had none for her.....she finally said to me......"you love being a part of our lives-right?" and I said, "yes, I do....,,"so, that was the answer for her paper....I'm glad she came up with something because that paper would probably still be blank.
Posted by Melanie at 4:08 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Oakland A's game!
So, last week we were on the field singing the National Anthem at the Giants game and this week we were honored to walk the field at the A's game for Scout day....its rough around here in the Bay Area!
Lindsey on the field, with 2 of her Brownie friends..
Grabbing a quick picture of some of Natie's troop in front of the A's dugout. We had to strategize to get this picture..,.. we were getting "shooooed" off the field fast so, we told the girls to run over and pose quickly. That is why they are looking in different spots!
Posted by Melanie at 3:28 PM 4 comments