Our first time to AT & T park~the SF Giants stadium, we will always remember-(Tyler and I for sure!) Tyler joined chorus and in doing so, he was 1 of the 40 kids in our school that got to sing the National Anthem-for the GIANTS game on Saturday....I was also chosen to go onto the field and take pictures for the school....(they only allowed 4 people on the field with the kids....) It was so Cool! What an experience....there were baseball players walking all around us..(some nicer than others!) I was amazed at how nervous I was! The kids did a great job....although I was so "IN AHHHAA"...that I don't think I even heard one note of the anthem...
Walking onto the field.....it was so unbelieveable!
There is my Ty singing his little heart out....and his Bud Jacob right next to him....and on the screen behind them, is the big screen that everyone in the stadium can see with all the kids on it!
Nothing like a little $6 ice cream cone(X4...we had an extra kid with us!) at a MLB game....oh well,,,,its all for the experience~right?!?!
It's been a while.
11 years ago
That is so cool. I had no idea Ty was into singing. I am so proud of him. The Arts as you well know have been a huge part of my life. Wow this is just too cool. I am such a proud auntie I had no Idea he was signing at the stadium.
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