Lindsey the BIG 1st grader!!! She is almost as tall as Natalie and they can put on each other's shoes!
Natalie my 4th grader! My sweet Natie......I wish the best for you this year!!!
Tyler....big man on campus! 6th grade! In his last year of Elementary school....
How did that happen so fast?!?!?!
This was the week the monsters went back to school, which I wasn't really ready for... it is always sad when summer is over and homework begins!
It's been a while.
11 years ago
the first day of school. I remember how it was. I loved all my new pencils and notebooks ( not from China) and my new clothes. Wow melanie, would you be my mom when I come back again? I think we both were blogging at the same time. Hey when are you coming for a swim and dinner? Labor day weekend maybe where in town... xo
good luck Kids this year is gonna rock! I hope to hear about all your staright A's
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