Wednesday, August 29, 2007
A's game
Posted by Melanie at 8:06 PM 3 comments
Thursday, August 23, 2007
First day of school, First day of school......
Lindsey the BIG 1st grader!!! She is almost as tall as Natalie and they can put on each other's shoes!
Natalie my 4th grader! My sweet Natie......I wish the best for you this year!!!
Tyler....big man on campus! 6th grade! In his last year of Elementary school....
How did that happen so fast?!?!?!
This was the week the monsters went back to school, which I wasn't really ready for... it is always sad when summer is over and homework begins!
Posted by Melanie at 1:15 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
How to tell?!?!?!?
Natalie asked me yesterday what the "bump" was on a Man's neck. I told her it was called his Adam's apple-(don't know if I spelled that correctly but, you know what I mean!) and only men/boys/males had one. Well, that led her and Lindsey into a conversation about how you can tell apart boys and girls. Here were some of the things they came up with on how you can tell if someone is a BOY~
* Adams apple
* Different "private" part
* yellow toenails
* hairy nostrils & armpits
* big bellies
* they don't wear pajamas
* they have "dude" boobs which are hairy
Poor Daryle, is probably who they looked at for their example on what boys look like. And YES, "dude" boobs was what Daryle came up with after the girls asked why he had the "brown parts" on him. ( nipples!) I love when they ask him questions he is not ready for.
Posted by Melanie at 12:20 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Lindsey Mae
Well, it finally happened! The day Lindsey has been waiting for,,,,,,,,, she lost her first tooth! She has been waiting 6 long years to have a loose tooth and then finally when one was loose she worked night and day wiggling it, until it was hanging there by a thread. The tooth fairy came for a visit that night and her room was covered in pixie dust!!! And low & behold there was a crisp $5 bill hiding under her pillow!
Just a cute picture of Lindsey & Raider. He thinks he belongs up in the chairs, just like us! If you are sitting, he is going to try & be in your lap!
Posted by Melanie at 7:26 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Lake camping
We thought it would be great to have a family camping trip! We have always gone with at least one other family but, wanted to just have some quality time with our kids. That part was great! The bad part was where we camped the average temperature is between 110 & 120! ugh! Yes, you are reading that correctly! My darling husband suggested this camping site and I think he is getting tired of me telling him, "He will NEVER pick the camping spot again!" I had no idea it would be that CRAZY HOT! We have also never camped in a camp ground close to a LAKE. You get a completely different crowd of people. People who have no respect that you are there with your children and you might not want to hear every bad word in the book until 3am. All in all, when we were out on the boat and in the water it was very relaxing and great. We pretended to have a camp fire one night-(it was just way to hot to actually light one!) and the kids, the girls espically wanted to hear every baby story about themselves that we could remember. That put the ole brain to work. I had to think, and then I had to make sure I remembered which baby did what. It was a lot of fun to be with them. Finding some shade in the hot 112 degree sun!
Gotta tube! This tube is actually called THE DRAGON and you lay flat on it. I figured it is good for everyone except us women. The BOOBS just don't handle it well getting bumped all over the place.
Posted by Melanie at 5:21 PM 3 comments