12 years ago on this day, the most amazing, wonderful, dream come true, life changing thing happened to me! I became a MOM! Can you believe that my beautiful boy is 12 years old! Doesn't seem possible. Seems like I wanted to be a mom forever and now I have been one for 12 years! I love you my sweet Tyler......more than you could ever know. I love being your Mom... through the good times (& bad!) Thank you for being my loving, caring, sweetheart baby boy.....I am so thankful you were brought into my life.......
Oh My Goodness! I was brought to tears. I can't believe our babies are getting so big. I can remember so many times taking Makayla and Tyler to the park and fighting over the toy baby stroller. I'm sorry we are missing his party. Happy Birthday Tyler.
Happy Birthday Tyler! I can't believe that you are 12!!! Hope you get lots of fun stuff!!!
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