AFTER! We have entered into the world of ORTHODONTICS!~(I hope I spelled that right?!?!?!) Natie got her 1st phase of braces on Wednesday! And she was so excited. I guess they have proven if you start them younger and get the teeth where they are supposed to be before the other adult teeth come in, you have less chance of problems later on~I don't know! Daryle thinks they are just out to make more money off of people! Anyways, she could end up having these on for a 12-18 months and then she could end up needing a 2nd set when she is older. Her poor little teeth have been so sore! She was having a heck of a time eating a soft pretzel the other day and I told her she was going to have a hard time eating for a few days and she says~"But, I love to eat!!" That's my girl! I felt so bad for her...I can still remember how those braces feel.
BEFORE! She was so excited yet, really nervous going in. She didn't feel like eating breakfast but, I told her she needed too!
It's been a while.
11 years ago
Natalie is so cute!
look at all the colors. I had only silver to match the braces. I guess what ever gets the kids to wear them and keep their teeth in good condition.
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