AFTER! We have entered into the world of ORTHODONTICS!~(I hope I spelled that right?!?!?!) Natie got her 1st phase of braces on Wednesday! And she was so excited. I guess they have proven if you start them younger and get the teeth where they are supposed to be before the other adult teeth come in, you have less chance of problems later on~I don't know! Daryle thinks they are just out to make more money off of people! Anyways, she could end up having these on for a 12-18 months and then she could end up needing a 2nd set when she is older. Her poor little teeth have been so sore! She was having a heck of a time eating a soft pretzel the other day and I told her she was going to have a hard time eating for a few days and she says~"But, I love to eat!!" That's my girl! I felt so bad for her...I can still remember how those braces feel.
BEFORE! She was so excited yet, really nervous going in. She didn't feel like eating breakfast but, I told her she needed too!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Natalie got braces!
Posted by Melanie at 7:38 AM 2 comments
We have added to our family-yet again! Yes, I know~I think we are nuts too!!! We named him "Raider" and he is 8 weeks old. He is so adorable but, quite the winer! I guess that fits him well with his name! hehe.....It's been along time since we have had a puppy and you forget how they like to chew on everything. There have been a few tears in the house already with bitten noses and him getting ahold of things he is not supposed to have. Yesterday, he thought it would be fun to chew on my glade plug-in!
I just thought this was cute to show off his cute little body... Natalie thought his "belly button" was so cute! I told her that was not his belly button!
The girls put him to bed! He didn't seem to mind!
Posted by Melanie at 7:16 AM 1 comments
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Opening day ceremonies!
Today is the opening ceremonies and games for baseball. All 3 kids are going to be playing this season! People think we are NUTS to have all 3 playing but, I think it will be just fine. We are so lucky to have such a beautiful ball field where all 3 will play at. Tyler is missing from the pictures today because he had his first Boy Scout outing(camp out!) this weekend! It worked out great because he didn't even have a game today! We will see how it goes having 6 games a week plus practices! I will probably be so sick of baseball by the end of the season. But, I do love to watch them play and have fun~so, it is all worth it!
Opening day is always such a BIG event! We got there 1/2 hour early before we were supposed too because the parking is always terrible. They will only let you park on the one side of the street! Its crazy! You have cars parked everywhere they are not supposed to be and then you have 3-4 policemen there saying they are going to start writing tickets. I don't know where they expect all these people to park! Insane-they really need to bulid us a parking lot!
Posted by Melanie at 10:20 PM 2 comments
Opening day baseball!
I thought this was a neat picture...Natalie is playing on a Machine pitch team so, she is playing pitcher right now~she is just standing next to the machine as the ball gets thrown to the hitter...she did a great job! She is trying so hard! I am so proud of her!
Lindsey playing in the dirt in between hitters~getting a little bit bored. And then when the ball does finally come her way-her and about 5 others all dive and fight for it.
Are baseball players supposed to be this CUTE??!?!?
Good hit Lindsey! Run, Lindzer, Run!
Lindsey decided she wanted "Lindzer" put on her shirt. The coach said they could have first names, last names or a nickname on their shirt. Uncle Chris gave her the "Lindzer" nickname so, that is what she picked! I think it fits her perfectly!
Posted by Melanie at 4:25 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Is it March or July????
Well, this weeks weather has been really, really nice. It's crazy! The kids had been bugging me for days to play in the hose or in the sprinklers so, I finally caved in and let them! The temp. was probably in the low 80's. Of course, it felt much warmer, just because we are not used to it yet. They had a great time "cooling off" in the nice warm sun!
Posted by Melanie at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 16, 2007
Ice skating!
We went Ice Skating with our Brownie troop this week! It was fun-(I didn't ice skate!) So, it was fun watching them. We went last year too and they loved it so much they wanted to go again! The girls were so proud when they would fall! I think they are going to have some bruised booties! Natalie so proud to have fallen again!
Lindsey did so good! She fell quite a few times but, got right back up and kept going! One of the times when she fell, someone got her hand with their ice skate! OUCH! The brothers thought a better use for the "walkers" was to sit on them in the middle of the ice arena!
Posted by Melanie at 8:03 AM 1 comments
Monday, March 12, 2007
Got Milk????
Hey,,,anyone got some MILK?? This what happens when you say YES or SURE you can store all the EXTRA girl scout cookies your garage for the month! I was delivered almost 300 cases of cookies and each case has 12 boxes inside! That is a lot of cookies! I am called the cookie cupboard for the area. When troops run out of cookies they come to our "cupboard" to get more. I have had another delivery of cookies since this order came. I didn't think I would run out of cookies but, I was! I was almost out of mints! So, this week I got another 195 cases! Thank goodness the cookie sale will be over in 2 weeks!
It's been kind of funny though as far as the weather,, keeping the cookies safe!. For a few days we couldn't open the garage because it was raining and the cookies are all the way to the edge and they were getting wet. And then this weekend we had to keep the garage shut again so, this time they didn't melt. Daryle has taken his garage being temporary out of service rather well. I had checked with him before I had ever said yes,, that I would do this. And then leading up to it he just complained, complained, complained! ugh! I told him, he was the one who said it was o.k. so, he needed to stop! I swear men complain just as much or MORE than women,, although they never think so.
Aren't these the 2 cutest cookies you have ever seen??? This was our attempt to deliver cookies one day. We made it to about 2 driveways and it started POURING rain on us. Needless to say, the umbrella was used to keep the cookies dry....Natalie has done really good at selling with the help of her mom, dad and a few friends! Her goal was 600 and I think she might actually make it. Possibly....she is going to be really, really close. She's at about 565 right now. That is crazy~I can't believe we have sold that many cookies! I kept telling her this is her year because next year Lindsey will be selling too!
Posted by Melanie at 7:37 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Vintage pictures
Every year I have always wanted to do these pictures at JCPenney's and I have always missed it! Well-finally, I asked at the right time and they were doing them again. I figured this was my last chance! As it was, I had to bribe Tyler and Lindsey with a Happy Meal if they wouldn't complain too much! I thought they turned out pretty cute and the torture didn't last too long~I think they may of even had fun!
Natalie didn't complain at all! I think she is going to a picture girl like me! She never minds being in front of the camera.
Handsome Tyler! He is such a good sport for his mom!
I thought this was so cute of Lindsey looking in the mirror.
Posted by Melanie at 3:55 PM 2 comments