Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter 2008!

I always love Easter Sunday...... it was so early this year it was almost hard to get into the spirit.. As always, the kids got a TON of candy and other special Easter treats....we had a very nice day, spending it with Grandma Dixie, Great Aunt Joan and some of grandma's friends, having Easter brunch at the Country club.....then it was off to Grandma's house for an Easter "money hunt!" (Wish she'd do one of those for us big kids too!) Afterwards, we headed over to Pops & Nana's house for the 4th easter hunt of the day.....and Easter Ham dinner to follow... It turned out to be a really nice Easter...I'm so glad the kids are still so eager to find their treats that the "Easter bunny" left for them....poor Tyler! he had the hardest time finding his...I told him the older you are, the harder it gets....I think my guys will keep believing in the Easter bunny, Santa and the Tooth fairy forever....I have always told them, if you don't believe, you don't get. I think they are too scared to ask.... Heck, I think I was about 21 by the time I stopped believing! :o)