Thursday, September 06, 2007

Six flags Discovery Kingdom

Dundundundun.....BATMAN,,,,BATMAN.....Batman had no personality what so ever....must be a rough job!!
Lindsey and Daffy made an instant friendship!
I know, I know,,,,being the sick-o I am...I couldn't resist taking a picture....Try explaining the piggy back ride to your kids!! If you click on the picture to make it bigger, you can see the female lion showing the boy lion all of her teeth! That is how I feel too on those hot summer nights when you just want to lay and relax without someone wanting a piggy back ride!!!
Daryle's company gave us tickets and meal vouchers to Six flags this year instead of their normal company picnic. Very generous, I thought. We had a good time. Busy there.....espically when you have to go on a Sunday. I told Daryle though to tell the BIG boss that we'd rather have the picnic next year! Looks like Daffy has figured Lindsey out quickly!!


Emily said...

Looks like a blast, sorry it was busy!