Santa overload! We got to visit Santa everyday last weekend! It started off on Friday, with the Winter family party at school! You should of seen the look on Santa's face when Natalie told him she would like an "old-fashion" stroller with a real baby in it! She meant a baby doll but, it sure did make you think twice on what she was saying!
The next Santa, we saw on Saturday at the annual Golf Club Christmas party....He sure is a cute Santa and again he had to re-ask Natalie what it was she was asking for on the baby doll! This Santa probably gets a little nervous with Lindsey because she really gives him the once over and checks him out, up & down! I think she knows he is not the real Santa and must be one of the helpers!
On Sunday, we drove to Oakdale and took a train ride with Santa and his helpers, wear PJ's, hear stories, sing songs, drink hot chocolate and eat cookies. It was suppossed to remind us of the Polar Express....... well,,,,,not really but, it was a fun time and we all thought it could of been much longer. The whole ride was only 1 & 1/2 hours and it could of easily been double that. The kids had a good time and it was a nice family day for us.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Santa time!
Posted by Melanie at 8:28 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Catching up!
Just a quick up date of our last few weeks. We have had so much going on.....I have fallen behind in updating and adding new, here is a quick re-cap of our last few weeks. Now that things are slowing down a bit-(does that ever really happen.....?????), I will try and be better about updating more often.. My baby is 7.....what a pretty girl we have......Lindsey you are so special.....we love you so much! Thank you for being born to us!
The birthday girl is getting ready to "Swack" that pinata. And the pinata, was so cheap, that it only took the birthday girl to bust it open!
She does this every year(closes her eyes and thinks!) as she is getting ready to make her wish! I love it. I wonder what she is wishing for?!?!?!?!?!?!
Posted by Melanie at 1:02 PM 1 comments