Saturday, October 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Natalie!

My precious Natalie Michelle. There was a time when I wasn't sure if I would ever have a baby girl and now, here you are, 10 years old!!! Seems like just a blink ago you were my little baby in PINK and now you are growing up into a beautiful young lady. I love you with all my heart and I always want only the best of everything for you. I love being your mom and I hope with all my heart, we stay as close as we are today, always. You can come to me with anything, and I will always listen.....I love you my Natie... More than you will ever know!

Monday, October 22, 2007

A birthday SURPRISE 4 Natalie!!

A hug from Lindsey!
I think she was a little bit overwhelmed, shocked, confused, but happy.......

PINATA time......let me tell you, all those kids were not HAPPY about being blindfolded!
ummmmmmmmm,,,,,, PIZZA!!

The Karaoke machine was a HIT!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Natalie.......Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had told Natalie this year, that if she didn't have a birthday party, I would give her the money I would normally spend on a party and she could go shopping! She had a really hard time with this and could not decide. I told Daryle though, no matter what, we were having a party for her. How could we not celebrate her 10th Birthday!?!?!??! So, we planned a surprise party for the week before her birthday. She walked in and the look on her face was priceless! Once, she got over the shock, she got into the party being all about her!!! She got some great gifts and had a really fun time. The best part was the big hug I got and the "thank you so much, mommy!" Priceless!


Natie is trying out TAKEWONDO. We have tried soccer, baseball, ballet, jazz and now karate! She seems to really love this. And it is great exercise for her and it can't hurt for her to know how to defend herself.

Crazy Hair day!

Lindsey was the most willing to let me do "whatever" I wanted to her head!
1/2 ponies,,,, 1/2 braids
Nothing like a mo-hawk!!!
Gotta love crazy hair day!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

Yes, 40 acres of corn maze! It was huge! We ended up not going in it though. It would of cost us $50 to get lost for at least an hour and they say most people get lost for at least 2 hours. So, we opted not to go in. The kids were disappointed but, it was so muddy and icky out there.

Yes, they still are my cute little PUMPKINS!!!

We always take pictures of the kids with the pumpkin they choose, that way in about 5 mins when they put their pumpkin in the wagon and forget which one is theirs we have proof! And yes, it did happen, Natalie thought Lindsey's pumpkin was hers.
This one's MINE!!!

King and his Queens of the Pumpkin patch!!!!!! No one really wanted to pose for a picture but, you know who won that one!!!

They still like all the little kiddie things.
Our shoes were so muddy and full of hay by the time we left there. Thank goodness for a blanket I had in the car still from Fall Ball.