Well, we went for it this year and bought SEASON tickets to the RAIDERS!! And we finally WON a game, last Sunday after an 11 month slump! It was so exciting! Daryle and Tyler are totally enjoying every minute of it, the girls get a little bit bored by half time and I am just happy we are making memories together with our kids.
This is Mr. & Mrs. Chainz. We have seem them lots of times but, this was the first time we were close enough to get a picture with them....
This is our view.......we are way high up but, we are on the 40 yard line....we can see everything!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Season ticket holders!!!
Posted by Melanie at 12:51 PM 3 comments
My soccer "ANGEL"
Miss Lindsey is the last of the 3 to still play soccer! She is on the ANGELS-(so fitting!) team this year....She is having a great time and loves soccer!!!
Posted by Melanie at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Labor day 2007!
We were lucky to go over to Uncle Chris and Aunt Lisa's for a BBQ on Labor day and try out their new pool!!!
Posted by Melanie at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Hendy woods camping!
We had a great Labor day camping trip with our favorite Beauchamp family. ..We had great weather and all the kids got along really well. This is our 3rd year in a row going to Hendy Woods which is up near Mendocino.
Posted by Melanie at 8:48 PM 2 comments
Six flags Discovery Kingdom
Dundundundun.....BATMAN,,,,BATMAN.....Batman had no personality what so ever....must be a rough job!!
Lindsey and Daffy made an instant friendship!
I know, I know,,,,being the sick-o I am...I couldn't resist taking a picture....Try explaining the piggy back ride to your kids!! If you click on the picture to make it bigger, you can see the female lion showing the boy lion all of her teeth! That is how I feel too on those hot summer nights when you just want to lay and relax without someone wanting a piggy back ride!!!
Daryle's company gave us tickets and meal vouchers to Six flags this year instead of their normal company picnic. Very generous, I thought. We had a good time. Busy there.....espically when you have to go on a Sunday. I told Daryle though to tell the BIG boss that we'd rather have the picnic next year! Looks like Daffy has figured Lindsey out quickly!!
Posted by Melanie at 3:06 PM 1 comments
How can you have a dog named RAIDER and not get him a Raider football jersey! and a squeaky football toy!
Posted by Melanie at 1:31 PM 0 comments