We love OUR Daddy Daryle!!!! He works so hard to take care of us!
Daryle's first FISH in 10 years-(it might be even longer than that!)Then he lets it go.....and they say us women don't make any sense....
We took the boat out for Father's day weekend. Had a great day of swimming and fishing..... Not too many fish bites (but the one we let go),,,,,,(still don't get that one....), we stopped to swim lots of times. It was a great day!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Father's Day 2007
Posted by Melanie at 4:55 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 11, 2007
May & June updates!
Well, you end up having lots of pictures when you can't get on your computer for almost a month! So, here's just a quick wrap up of our month! Almost everything is coming to an end, yea!! Baseball ended-thank goodness, girl scouts is basically over-right on!! 14 days left of school-I can handle that! Boy Scouts is year-round but, hey thats once a week! I am looking forward to some down time and more time doing fun things with the kids & hubby.
Posted by Melanie at 10:26 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Just a quick note!
Hello Blogger world! Us McLaughlin people are still here....we got a lovely VIRUS on our computer.We got it off but, everytime we got on-line, we would get ANOTHER one! So, after checking into it and wondering if it would be worth it to get it fixed or just get a new computer?!?!? Daryle has been wanting a new computer so, we went for it and yippeee! Here I am again. Although, now I have to figure out how to save all my pictures on here again. Thankfully, I already had 99% of my pictures on CD's that I also had on my computer. When we first got the VIRUS I had just saved all my pictures from, Easter, Mother's day, Daryles' birthday on the computer-I had not saved them to disc yet. Let me tell you the stress, time, & TEARS I went through to try to get those pictures off my computer. 305 pictures! I don't think I have cried that much in a long time. Luckily my husband understands my picture obsession and was very patient with me. Love that guy! It took hours but, we got them all but, 16 picures off the computer. I will always save my pictures to disc now along with saving them on my computer because you just never know!
Kids are doing well,,,,,,couple weeks left of school....we are finishing up our last year of year-round school. It is such a bummer that they are going back to traditional but, I guess we just gotta deal with it. Basball will be over this weekend! THANK YOU! We are ready.....we have been dealing with baseball since January! Tyler's team lost its play-off spot last week so, now the girls are just finishing up!
RAIDER is doing well...he is going in for his doggie VASECTOMY-(don't know if I spelled that right!)next Tuesday! He weighed 36lbs at his last check-up. He is getting so BIG! He is a lot of fun when he is not biting someone or chewing up a beloved toy!
We have been working on our hall way-(well Daryle has been but, I have been very supportive!) We painted-(yes I did help paint) and put up all new doors. He even made me a closet door for the Linens. It was 2 cupboards before and just looked OLD. So, now it looks so much better....I will have to take some pictures-although now that I think about it, I didn't take any befores. oh well.......
Ooh, and the biggest NEWS of all.....After 12 years I am employed again! Yep! I got a JOB! I am a YARD duty at the kids school. I get paid $12 a shift-(I know BIG BUCKS-no whammies! hehe-just kidding) So, I guess you could say I am not there for the money! My main reason for doing it is to have an "in" in the school. I think I already am well known around there but, now if I request a teacher, I should get the teacher I want. Plus, it is a great way to get to know the kids-all the little darlings, see which ones are the kids you want your kids to hang around with and which ones to keep away from. And let me tell you, there are a lot of hellions! There are some punks! Boys & Girls.....
Well, my quick re-cap turned into a novel......I will hopefully POST some new pics SOON!
Posted by Melanie at 10:19 AM 1 comments