My cousin, Marcia, tagged me to do this and I needed a few days to think so, this was really hard but, I came up with a few things some of you may or may not know!
1. I am addicted to Ebay! At first I thought ebay was just a big online garage sale but, then once I figured out NO it wasn't~ that there is actually talented people on ebay who make great scrapbooking things, dresses, handmade items, I was hooked!
2. I need to have my coffee in the morning-(I know, bad thing!) but, I do....there have been a few times that we have ran out of coffee in the house and I didn't know what I was going to do! ugh! I was really addicted to Starbucks a few years ago but, once I had joined Weight watchers (way back when)....and realized how many calories I was drinking, it really helped my addiction to going there everyday! Sometimes twice a day! Shhh,,don't tell Daryle!
3. I hate having my shoes on in the house! I kick them off as soon as I get home. You will either find me barefoot or socks and sometimes maybe slippers!
4. I am like Marcia and hate to be tickled. Daryle will think its funny every once in awhile and I just want to hurt him! :o) When I was little my Dad would hold me down and tickle me, lick me in the eye or give me a whisker kiss. Why do these Pickup men think this is so funny!
5. I would of had a 4th baby if I could of. It was recommeded to me that I not have another baby after Lindsey because of my 3 c-sections and all the scar tissue I had. I told Daryle we could get a 2nd opinion but, after much talk and a lot of tears(on my part.), we were happy & blessed with the 3 beautiful souls we had. (I would of loved to have had another boy!) We decided to cut (Daryle's) plumbing off about 2 years ago.I was really sad at first-it was such a weird feeling but, it is so nice now to not have to worry about it- I highly recommend it when your baby making days are over!
I guess I came up with a few more than 5......
6. I call myself a "scrapbook collector!" I love to scrapbook but, don't have much time with everything else but, I keep buying things like I scrapbook everyday. My front closet and bedroom closet are full of scrapbook supplies, stickers, paper etc....
7. I recently got nominated for a PTA position at school.They called me and asked if I would accept and of course me and my mouth said, "yes" I will be corresponding secretary-I don't even know if I spelled that right?!?!?
8. I love going out for Sushi! I know, it sounded gross to me too, the first time I was invited to go out for sushi-I actually ate dinner before I left because I thought I would be starving! Now, it is my favorite meal to go out for....although its expensive so, we can't go out for it too often!
9. I don't like to be made fun of-I can handle teasing as long as it is mutual and I am not the prime target. I don't care to be picked on. I don't mind it as long as the person doing
it can take it, as well. If you're going to dish it, you'd better be able to take it. I know a few people like this!
10. I am trying to think, if I can think of one more to make it an even # of things. ooh, I always wished that I would of had blue eyes. Anything but, brown. I think its pretty neat now that both my girls have big beautiful eyes, that I always had wanted. Natalie has blue and Lindsey's are green! I would trade with either one of them!
O.k. Lisa,,,,,your turn.....I tag you next! You too.....Malinda! I know Marcia already tagged you but, I thought I would do it again so, you'd better get moving! Tell us some things about yourself that we may not know!