Tyler caught his first "real" FISH over the weekend! He has caught smaller ones before but, usually not one big enough to keep! He was so excited and proud! It was a 27 inch stripier. Daryle came home empty handed as usual! Poor guy! We cooked Tyler's fish that night for dinner.
I don't think anyone cared for it all that much, it was a tougher fish meat.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
What a catch!
Posted by Melanie at 4:36 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Tyler will be bridging to Boy Scouts on February 26! We went last week and had his picture taken in his Webelos uniform before he tranforms into a BOY SCOUT! Seems like he was just a Tiger cub scout. Now he is going on to a whole new adventure! And it will be neat to see him grow with it! Tyler has tried many different activites.....soccer, baseball, basketball, Karate, Takewondo,,,,but, Scouts has always stuck with him. He loves it and we have been so fortunate to have such an incredible Scout family for the last 5 years! When I took him in for these pictures I was set that I was just going to get the $7.99 package! For most of you, who know my love of pictures the package was plenty. But, all these portrait places have gone digital now and they can do so much! They get you big time! So, my $7.99 package turned into $60.00. Oh well, I only have one boy-right?!?! I can always justify it in my head!
Posted by Melanie at 7:42 AM 1 comments
Friday, February 16, 2007
Valentine's 2007
Valentine's Day eve.....
I love these special times with these little people
in our life! I just wish they'd stay little. They are
growing up too fast! Our Valentine's was a very busy day so, we
celebrated the night before with a nice dinner
& a small little something for each other. O.K. This is my 3rd attempt to add these
pictures to my blog. I am having one heck
of a time since switching to the "new blog"
to add stuff. Anyways, I hope they make it
on here now or I'm going to SCREAM! We were walking home from playing at the
playground and they were holding hands so,
I hurried to snap a picture!
Posted by Melanie at 5:30 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 12, 2007
Tea 4 Three!
with Girl scouts last Saturday! We had a nice GIRL day
together,,,we had lots of goodies to eat and some Tea and
Hawaiian Punch! Each girl and adult got a prize and we played
some fun games.....
Love my girls! It's fun to have girl time. Tyler
got to spend the day with Daryle at work! He
was in HOG HEAVEN! He had big tears last night
because he wanted to go back with him today!
Some of our girl scout friends at the Tea party!
Posted by Melanie at 2:54 PM 1 comments
Our little old Lady!
Sadie enjoys to lay under the pillow
rather than on top of it like a dog is
supposed too! Our little old lady! She
will be 13 years old in May this year!
She does look pretty comfty though!
Posted by Melanie at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Natalie's Solar system project!
Natalie had a SOLAR SYSTEM project due last week. She had actually picked SATURN as her planet but, wanted to make all the planets together. She and Daryle worked all weekend on this~I thought they did a great job! Can you tell she is mad at me in the picture. I can't even remember now what we were arguing about. :o)
Posted by Melanie at 7:42 AM 0 comments